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binutils: initial import due to footprint mismatches for the ARM architecture
[ports/core-arm.git] / binutils / Pkgfile
1 # Description: The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary tools
2 # URL:
3 # Maintainer: CRUX System Team, core-ports at crux dot nu
4 # Depends on: zlib
6 name=binutils
7 version=2.20.1
8 release=1
9 source=($name/$name-${version}a.tar.bz2)
11 build() {
12 sed -i '/^SUBDIRS/s/doc//' $name-$version/bfd/
13 sed -i '/^# RELEASE=y/s/#//' $name-$version/bfd/
14 mkdir build
15 cd build
16 ../$name-$version/configure --prefix=/usr \
17 --mandir=/usr/man \
18 --enable-shared \
19 --disable-nls
20 make tooldir=/usr
21 make check
22 make tooldir=/usr DESTDIR=$PKG install
23 install -m 0644 ../$name-$version/include/libiberty.h $PKG/usr/include
24 rm -r $PKG/usr/share
25 sed -i "s|-L$SRC[^ ]* ||g" $PKG/usr/lib/
26 }