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gcc: Updated footprint to be right with the eabi toolchain.
[crossrootfs.git] / filesystem / group
1 root::0:root
2 bin::1:root,bin,daemon
3 daemon::2:root,bin,daemon
4 sys::3:root,bin
5 adm::4:root,daemon
6 tty::5:
7 disk::6:root
8 lp::7:daemon
9 mem::8:
10 kmem::9:
11 wheel::10:root
12 ftp::11:
13 mail::12:
14 mlocate::13:
15 dialout::14:
16 www::15:
17 audio::16:
18 video::17:
19 floppy::18:
20 tape::19:
21 scanner::20:
22 cdrom::21:
23 nobody::99:
24 messagebus::81:
25 users::100: