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[attic/ports/opt-cross.git] / fox / Pkgfile
1 # Description: FOX graphical toolkit.
2 # URL:
3 # Packager: Johannes, Schick dot Johannes at gmail dot com
4 # Maintainer: Victor Martinez, pitillo at ono dot com
5 # Arch Maintainer System Team crux-arm at mikeux dot dyndns dot org
6 # Depends on: libpng libtiff xorg-libxft xorg-libxcursor xorg-libxi
8 name=fox
9 version=1.6.36
10 release=2
11 source=($name-$version.tar.gz)
13 build() {
14 cd $name-$version
15 export LIBS="$LIBS -lXft -lXrender -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lX11 -lz"
16 export XFTCFLAGS="-I$CLFS/usr/include/freetype2"
17 export XFTLIBS="-lXft -lXrender -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lX11"
18 export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$CLFS/usr/include $XFTCFLAGS"
19 export X_BASE_LIBS="$X_BASE_LIBS"
21 ./configure --build=$CHOST \
22 --host=$CTARGET \
23 --prefix=/usr \
24 --with-shape \
25 --with-xshm \
26 --enable-threadsafe \
27 --enable-release \
28 --with-xcursor \
29 --with-xft \
30 --disable-nls \
31 --enable-release
32 make
33 make prefix=$PKG/usr install
34 rm -r $PKG/usr/share
35 }