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[crossrootfs.git] / iputils / iputils-s20071127-manpages-2.patch
1 Submitted By: Jim Gifford <jim at cross-lfs dot org>
2 Date: 2009-02-18
3 Initial Package Version: s20071127
4 Upstream Status: Unknown
5 Origin: Jim Gifford
6 Description: Provides the man pages (adding docbook2man with all its
7 dependencies would be a major addition to the book, so I built it
8 -once- on a completed system and saved the data).
10 diff -Naur doc/arping.8 doc/arping.8
11 --- doc/arping.8 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
12 +++ doc/arping.8 2009-02-18 23:20:33.249183964 -0800
13 @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
14 +.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
15 +.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
16 +.\" <>
17 +.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
18 +.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
19 +.TH "ARPING" "8" "18 February 2009" "iputils-071127" "System Manager's Manual: iputils"
20 +.SH NAME
21 +arping \- send ARP REQUEST to a neighbour host
23 +
24 +\fBarping\fR [\fB-AbDfhqUV\fR] [\fB-c \fIcount\fB\fR] [\fB-w \fIdeadline\fB\fR] [\fB-s \fIsource\fB\fR] \fB-I \fIinterface\fB\fR \fB\fIdestination\fB\fR
25 +
27 +.PP
28 +Ping \fIdestination\fR on device \fIinterface\fR by ARP packets,
29 +using source address \fIsource\fR.
31 +.TP
32 +\fB-A\fR
33 +The same as \fB-U\fR, but ARP REPLY packets used instead
35 +.TP
36 +\fB-b\fR
37 +Send only MAC level broadcasts. Normally \fBarping\fR starts
38 +from sending broadcast, and switch to unicast after reply received.
39 +.TP
40 +\fB-c \fIcount\fB\fR
41 +Stop after sending \fIcount\fR ARP REQUEST
42 +packets. With
43 +\fIdeadline\fR
44 +option, \fBarping\fR waits for
45 +\fIcount\fR ARP REPLY packets, until the timeout expires.
46 +.TP
47 +\fB-D\fR
48 +Duplicate address detection mode (DAD). See
49 +RFC2131, 4.4.1.
50 +Returns 0, if DAD succeeded i.e. no replies are received
51 +.TP
52 +\fB-f\fR
53 +Finish after the first reply confirming that target is alive.
54 +.TP
55 +\fB-I \fIinterface\fB\fR
56 +Name of network device where to send ARP REQUEST packets. This option
57 +is required.
58 +.TP
59 +\fB-h\fR
60 +Print help page and exit.
61 +.TP
62 +\fB-q\fR
63 +Quiet output. Nothing is displayed.
64 +.TP
65 +\fB-s \fIsource\fB\fR
66 +IP source address to use in ARP packets.
67 +If this option is absent, source address is:
68 +.RS
69 +.TP 0.2i
70 +\(bu
71 +In DAD mode (with option \fB-D\fR) set to
72 +.TP 0.2i
73 +\(bu
74 +In Unsolicited ARP mode (with options \fB-U\fR or \fB-A\fR)
75 +set to \fIdestination\fR.
76 +.TP 0.2i
77 +\(bu
78 +Otherwise, it is calculated from routing tables.
79 +.RE
80 +.TP
81 +\fB-U\fR
82 +Unsolicited ARP mode to update neighbours' ARP caches.
83 +No replies are expected.
84 +.TP
85 +\fB-V\fR
86 +Print version of the program and exit.
87 +.TP
88 +\fB-w \fIdeadline\fB\fR
89 +Specify a timeout, in seconds, before
90 +\fBarping\fR
91 +exits regardless of how many
92 +packets have been sent or received. In this case
93 +\fBarping\fR
94 +does not stop after
95 +\fIcount\fR
96 +packet are sent, it waits either for
97 +\fIdeadline\fR
98 +expire or until
99 +\fIcount\fR
100 +probes are answered.
101 +.SH "SEE ALSO"
102 +.PP
103 +\fBping\fR(8),
104 +\fBclockdiff\fR(8),
105 +\fBtracepath\fR(8).
106 +.SH "AUTHOR"
107 +.PP
108 +\fBarping\fR was written by
109 +Alexey Kuznetsov
110 +<>.
111 +It is now maintained by
112 +YOSHIFUJI Hideaki
113 +<>.
115 +.PP
116 +\fBarping\fR requires CAP_NET_RAWIO capability
117 +to be executed. It is not recommended to be used as set-uid root,
118 +because it allows user to modify ARP caches of neighbour hosts.
120 +.PP
121 +\fBarping\fR is part of \fIiputils\fR package
122 +and the latest versions are available in source form at
123 +
124 diff -Naur doc/clockdiff.8 doc/clockdiff.8
125 --- doc/clockdiff.8 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
126 +++ doc/clockdiff.8 2009-02-18 23:20:33.249183964 -0800
127 @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
128 +.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
129 +.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
130 +.\" <>
131 +.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
132 +.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
133 +.TH "CLOCKDIFF" "8" "18 February 2009" "iputils-071127" "System Manager's Manual: iputils"
134 +.SH NAME
135 +clockdiff \- measure clock difference between hosts
137 +
138 +\fBclockdiff\fR [\fB-o\fR] [\fB-o1\fR] \fB\fIdestination\fB\fR
139 +
141 +.PP
142 +\fBclockdiff\fR Measures clock difference between us and
143 +\fIdestination\fR with 1 msec resolution using ICMP TIMESTAMP
144 +[2]
145 +packets or, optionally, IP TIMESTAMP option
146 +[3]
147 +option added to ICMP ECHO.
148 +[1]
149 +.SH "OPTIONS"
150 +.TP
151 +\fB-o\fR
153 +messages. It is useful with some destinations, which do not support
154 +ICMP TIMESTAMP (f.e. Solaris <2.4).
155 +.TP
156 +\fB-o1\fR
157 +Slightly different form of \fB-o\fR, namely it uses three-term
158 +IP TIMESTAMP with prespecified hop addresses instead of four term one.
159 +What flavor works better depends on target host. Particularly,
160 +\fB-o\fR is better for Linux.
162 +.TP 0.2i
163 +\(bu
164 +Some nodes (Cisco) use non-standard timestamps, which is allowed
165 +by RFC, but makes timestamps mostly useless.
166 +.TP 0.2i
167 +\(bu
168 +Some nodes generate messed timestamps (Solaris>2.4), when
169 +run \fBxntpd\fR. Seems, its IP stack uses a corrupted clock source,
170 +which is synchronized to time-of-day clock periodically and jumps
171 +randomly making timestamps mostly useless. Good news is that you can
172 +use NTP in this case, which is even better.
173 +.TP 0.2i
174 +\(bu
175 +\fBclockdiff\fR shows difference in time modulo 24 days.
176 +.SH "SEE ALSO"
177 +.PP
178 +\fBping\fR(8),
179 +\fBarping\fR(8),
180 +\fBtracepath\fR(8).
182 +.PP
183 +[1] ICMP ECHO,
184 +RFC0792, page 14.
185 +.PP
187 +RFC0792, page 16.
188 +.PP
189 +[3] IP TIMESTAMP option,
190 +RFC0791, 3.1, page 16.
191 +.SH "AUTHOR"
192 +.PP
193 +\fBclockdiff\fR was compiled by
194 +Alexey Kuznetsov
195 +<>. It was based on code borrowed
196 +from BSD \fBtimed\fR daemon.
197 +It is now maintained by
198 +YOSHIFUJI Hideaki
199 +<>.
201 +.PP
202 +\fBclockdiff\fR requires CAP_NET_RAWIO capability
203 +to be executed. It is safe to be used as set-uid root.
205 +.PP
206 +\fBclockdiff\fR is part of \fIiputils\fR package
207 +and the latest versions are available in source form at
208 +
209 diff -Naur doc/ping.8 doc/ping.8
210 --- doc/ping.8 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
211 +++ doc/ping.8 2009-02-18 23:20:33.249183964 -0800
212 @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
213 +.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
214 +.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
215 +.\" <>
216 +.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
217 +.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
218 +.TH "PING" "8" "18 February 2009" "iputils-071127" "System Manager's Manual: iputils"
219 +.SH NAME
220 +ping, ping6 \- send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
222 +
223 +\fBping\fR [\fB-LRUbdfnqrvVaAB\fR] [\fB-c \fIcount\fB\fR] [\fB-i \fIinterval\fB\fR] [\fB-l \fIpreload\fB\fR] [\fB-p \fIpattern\fB\fR] [\fB-s \fIpacketsize\fB\fR] [\fB-t \fIttl\fB\fR] [\fB-w \fIdeadline\fB\fR] [\fB-F \fIflowlabel\fB\fR] [\fB-I \fIinterface\fB\fR] [\fB-M \fIhint\fB\fR] [\fB-Q \fItos\fB\fR] [\fB-S \fIsndbuf\fB\fR] [\fB-T \fItimestamp option\fB\fR] [\fB-W \fItimeout\fB\fR] [\fB\fIhop\fB\fR\fI ...\fR] \fB\fIdestination\fB\fR
224 +
226 +.PP
227 +\fBping\fR uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHO_REQUEST
228 +datagram to elicit an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from a host or gateway.
229 +ECHO_REQUEST datagrams (``pings'') have an IP and ICMP
230 +header, followed by a struct timeval and then an arbitrary
231 +number of ``pad'' bytes used to fill out the packet.
232 +.SH "OPTIONS"
233 +.TP
234 +\fB-a\fR
235 +Audible ping.
236 +.TP
237 +\fB-A\fR
238 +Adaptive ping. Interpacket interval adapts to round-trip time, so that
239 +effectively not more than one (or more, if preload is set) unanswered probes
240 +present in the network. Minimal interval is 200msec for not super-user.
241 +On networks with low rtt this mode is essentially equivalent to flood mode.
242 +.TP
243 +\fB-b\fR
244 +Allow pinging a broadcast address.
245 +.TP
246 +\fB-B\fR
247 +Do not allow \fBping\fR to change source address of probes.
248 +The address is bound to one selected when \fBping\fR starts.
249 +.TP
250 +\fB-c \fIcount\fB\fR
251 +Stop after sending \fIcount\fR ECHO_REQUEST
252 +packets. With
253 +\fIdeadline\fR
254 +option, \fBping\fR waits for
255 +\fIcount\fR ECHO_REPLY packets, until the timeout expires.
256 +.TP
257 +\fB-d\fR
258 +Set the SO_DEBUG option on the socket being used.
259 +Essentially, this socket option is not used by Linux kernel.
260 +.TP
261 +\fB-F \fIflow label\fB\fR
262 +Allocate and set 20 bit flow label on echo request packets.
263 +(Only \fBping6\fR). If value is zero, kernel allocates random flow label.
264 +.TP
265 +\fB-f\fR
266 +Flood ping. For every ECHO_REQUEST sent a period ``.'' is printed,
267 +while for ever ECHO_REPLY received a backspace is printed.
268 +This provides a rapid display of how many packets are being dropped.
269 +If interval is not given, it sets interval to zero and
270 +outputs packets as fast as they come back or one hundred times per second,
271 +whichever is more.
272 +Only the super-user may use this option with zero interval.
273 +.TP
274 +\fB-i \fIinterval\fB\fR
275 +Wait \fIinterval\fR seconds between sending each packet.
276 +The default is to wait for one second between each packet normally,
277 +or not to wait in flood mode. Only super-user may set interval
278 +to values less 0.2 seconds.
279 +.TP
280 +\fB-I \fIinterface address\fB\fR
281 +Set source address to specified interface address. Argument
282 +may be numeric IP address or name of device. When pinging IPv6
283 +link-local address this option is required.
284 +.TP
285 +\fB-l \fIpreload\fB\fR
286 +If \fIpreload\fR is specified,
287 +\fBping\fR sends that many packets not waiting for reply.
288 +Only the super-user may select preload more than 3.
289 +.TP
290 +\fB-L\fR
291 +Suppress loopback of multicast packets. This flag only applies if the ping
292 +destination is a multicast address.
293 +.TP
294 +\fB-n\fR
295 +Numeric output only.
296 +No attempt will be made to lookup symbolic names for host addresses.
297 +.TP
298 +\fB-p \fIpattern\fB\fR
299 +You may specify up to 16 ``pad'' bytes to fill out the packet you send.
300 +This is useful for diagnosing data-dependent problems in a network.
301 +For example, \fB-p ff\fR will cause the sent packet
302 +to be filled with all ones.
303 +.TP
304 +\fB-Q \fItos\fB\fR
305 +Set Quality of Service -related bits in ICMP datagrams.
306 +\fItos\fR can be either decimal or hex number.
307 +Traditionally (RFC1349), these have been interpreted as: 0 for reserved
308 +(currently being redefined as congestion control), 1-4 for Type of Service
309 +and 5-7 for Precedence.
310 +Possible settings for Type of Service are: minimal cost: 0x02,
311 +reliability: 0x04, throughput: 0x08, low delay: 0x10. Multiple TOS bits
312 +should not be set simultaneously. Possible settings for
313 +special Precedence range from priority (0x20) to net control (0xe0). You
314 +must be root (CAP_NET_ADMIN capability) to use Critical or
315 +higher precedence value. You cannot set
316 +bit 0x01 (reserved) unless ECN has been enabled in the kernel.
317 +In RFC2474, these fields has been redefined as 8-bit Differentiated
318 +Services (DS), consisting of: bits 0-1 of separate data (ECN will be used,
319 +here), and bits 2-7 of Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP).
320 +.TP
321 +\fB-q\fR
322 +Quiet output.
323 +Nothing is displayed except the summary lines at startup time and
324 +when finished.
325 +.TP
326 +\fB-R\fR
327 +Record route.
328 +Includes the RECORD_ROUTE option in the ECHO_REQUEST
329 +packet and displays the route buffer on returned packets.
330 +Note that the IP header is only large enough for nine such routes.
331 +Many hosts ignore or discard this option.
332 +.TP
333 +\fB-r\fR
334 +Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a host on an attached
335 +interface.
336 +If the host is not on a directly-attached network, an error is returned.
337 +This option can be used to ping a local host through an interface
338 +that has no route through it provided the option \fB-I\fR is also
339 +used.
340 +.TP
341 +\fB-s \fIpacketsize\fB\fR
342 +Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent.
343 +The default is 56, which translates into 64 ICMP
344 +data bytes when combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header data.
345 +.TP
346 +\fB-S \fIsndbuf\fB\fR
347 +Set socket sndbuf. If not specified, it is selected to buffer
348 +not more than one packet.
349 +.TP
350 +\fB-t \fIttl\fB\fR
351 +Set the IP Time to Live.
352 +.TP
353 +\fB-T \fItimestamp option\fB\fR
354 +Set special IP timestamp options.
355 +\fItimestamp option\fR may be either
356 +\fItsonly\fR (only timestamps),
357 +\fItsandaddr\fR (timestamps and addresses) or
358 +\fItsprespec host1 [host2 [host3 [host4]]]\fR
359 +(timestamp prespecified hops).
360 +.TP
361 +\fB-M \fIhint\fB\fR
362 +Select Path MTU Discovery strategy.
363 +\fIhint\fR may be either \fIdo\fR
364 +(prohibit fragmentation, even local one),
365 +\fIwant\fR (do PMTU discovery, fragment locally when packet size
366 +is large), or \fIdont\fR (do not set DF flag).
367 +.TP
368 +\fB-U\fR
369 +Print full user-to-user latency (the old behaviour). Normally
370 +\fBping\fR
371 +prints network round trip time, which can be different
372 +f.e. due to DNS failures.
373 +.TP
374 +\fB-v\fR
375 +Verbose output.
376 +.TP
377 +\fB-V\fR
378 +Show version and exit.
379 +.TP
380 +\fB-w \fIdeadline\fB\fR
381 +Specify a timeout, in seconds, before
382 +\fBping\fR
383 +exits regardless of how many
384 +packets have been sent or received. In this case
385 +\fBping\fR
386 +does not stop after
387 +\fIcount\fR
388 +packet are sent, it waits either for
389 +\fIdeadline\fR
390 +expire or until
391 +\fIcount\fR
392 +probes are answered or for some error notification from network.
393 +.TP
394 +\fB-W \fItimeout\fB\fR
395 +Time to wait for a response, in seconds. The option affects only timeout
396 +in absense of any responses, otherwise \fBping\fR waits for two RTTs.
397 +.PP
398 +When using \fBping\fR for fault isolation, it should first be run
399 +on the local host, to verify that the local network interface is up
400 +and running. Then, hosts and gateways further and further away should be
401 +``pinged''. Round-trip times and packet loss statistics are computed.
402 +If duplicate packets are received, they are not included in the packet
403 +loss calculation, although the round trip time of these packets is used
404 +in calculating the minimum/average/maximum round-trip time numbers.
405 +When the specified number of packets have been sent (and received) or
406 +if the program is terminated with a
407 +SIGINT, a brief summary is displayed. Shorter current statistics
408 +can be obtained without termination of process with signal
410 +.PP
411 +If \fBping\fR does not receive any reply packets at all it will
412 +exit with code 1. If a packet
413 +\fIcount\fR
414 +and
415 +\fIdeadline\fR
416 +are both specified, and fewer than
417 +\fIcount\fR
418 +packets are received by the time the
419 +\fIdeadline\fR
420 +has arrived, it will also exit with code 1.
421 +On other error it exits with code 2. Otherwise it exits with code 0. This
422 +makes it possible to use the exit code to see if a host is alive or
423 +not.
424 +.PP
425 +This program is intended for use in network testing, measurement and
426 +management.
427 +Because of the load it can impose on the network, it is unwise to use
428 +\fBping\fR during normal operations or from automated scripts.
430 +.PP
431 +An IP header without options is 20 bytes.
432 +An ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packet contains an additional 8 bytes worth
433 +of ICMP header followed by an arbitrary amount of data.
434 +When a \fIpacketsize\fR is given, this indicated the size of this
435 +extra piece of data (the default is 56). Thus the amount of data received
436 +inside of an IP packet of type ICMP ECHO_REPLY will always be 8 bytes
437 +more than the requested data space (the ICMP header).
438 +.PP
439 +If the data space is at least of size of struct timeval
440 +\fBping\fR uses the beginning bytes of this space to include
441 +a timestamp which it uses in the computation of round trip times.
442 +If the data space is shorter, no round trip times are given.
444 +.PP
445 +\fBping\fR will report duplicate and damaged packets.
446 +Duplicate packets should never occur, and seem to be caused by
447 +inappropriate link-level retransmissions.
448 +Duplicates may occur in many situations and are rarely (if ever) a
449 +good sign, although the presence of low levels of duplicates may not
450 +always be cause for alarm.
451 +.PP
452 +Damaged packets are obviously serious cause for alarm and often
453 +indicate broken hardware somewhere in the
454 +\fBping\fR packet's path (in the network or in the hosts).
456 +.PP
457 +The (inter)network layer should never treat packets differently depending
458 +on the data contained in the data portion.
459 +Unfortunately, data-dependent problems have been known to sneak into
460 +networks and remain undetected for long periods of time.
461 +In many cases the particular pattern that will have problems is something
462 +that doesn't have sufficient ``transitions'', such as all ones or all
463 +zeros, or a pattern right at the edge, such as almost all zeros.
464 +It isn't necessarily enough to specify a data pattern of all zeros (for
465 +example) on the command line because the pattern that is of interest is
466 +at the data link level, and the relationship between what you type and
467 +what the controllers transmit can be complicated.
468 +.PP
469 +This means that if you have a data-dependent problem you will probably
470 +have to do a lot of testing to find it.
471 +If you are lucky, you may manage to find a file that either can't be sent
472 +across your network or that takes much longer to transfer than other
473 +similar length files.
474 +You can then examine this file for repeated patterns that you can test
475 +using the \fB-p\fR option of \fBping\fR.
477 +.PP
478 +The TTL value of an IP packet represents the maximum number of IP routers
479 +that the packet can go through before being thrown away.
480 +In current practice you can expect each router in the Internet to decrement
481 +the TTL field by exactly one.
482 +.PP
483 +The TCP/IP specification states that the TTL field for TCP
484 +packets should be set to 60, but many systems use smaller values
485 +(4.3 BSD uses 30, 4.2 used 15).
486 +.PP
487 +The maximum possible value of this field is 255, and most Unix systems set
488 +the TTL field of ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to 255.
489 +This is why you will find you can ``ping'' some hosts, but not reach them
490 +with
491 +\fBtelnet\fR(1)
492 +or
493 +\fBftp\fR(1).
494 +.PP
495 +In normal operation ping prints the ttl value from the packet it receives.
496 +When a remote system receives a ping packet, it can do one of three things
497 +with the TTL field in its response:
498 +.TP 0.2i
499 +\(bu
500 +Not change it; this is what Berkeley Unix systems did before the
501 +4.3BSD Tahoe release. In this case the TTL value in the received packet
502 +will be 255 minus the number of routers in the round-trip path.
503 +.TP 0.2i
504 +\(bu
505 +Set it to 255; this is what current Berkeley Unix systems do.
506 +In this case the TTL value in the received packet will be 255 minus the
507 +number of routers in the path \fBfrom\fR
508 +the remote system \fBto\fR the \fBping\fRing host.
509 +.TP 0.2i
510 +\(bu
511 +Set it to some other value. Some machines use the same value for
512 +ICMP packets that they use for TCP packets, for example either 30 or 60.
513 +Others may use completely wild values.
514 +.SH "BUGS"
515 +.TP 0.2i
516 +\(bu
517 +Many Hosts and Gateways ignore the RECORD_ROUTE option.
518 +.TP 0.2i
519 +\(bu
520 +The maximum IP header length is too small for options like
521 +RECORD_ROUTE to be completely useful.
522 +There's not much that that can be done about this, however.
523 +.TP 0.2i
524 +\(bu
525 +Flood pinging is not recommended in general, and flood pinging the
526 +broadcast address should only be done under very controlled conditions.
527 +.SH "SEE ALSO"
528 +.PP
529 +\fBnetstat\fR(1),
530 +\fBifconfig\fR(8).
531 +.SH "HISTORY"
532 +.PP
533 +The \fBping\fR command appeared in 4.3BSD.
534 +.PP
535 +The version described here is its descendant specific to Linux.
537 +.PP
538 +\fBping\fR requires CAP_NET_RAWIO capability
539 +to be executed. It may be used as set-uid root.
541 +.PP
542 +\fBping\fR is part of \fIiputils\fR package
543 +and the latest versions are available in source form at
544 +
545 diff -Naur doc/rdisc.8 doc/rdisc.8
546 --- doc/rdisc.8 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
547 +++ doc/rdisc.8 2009-02-18 23:20:33.249183964 -0800
548 @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
549 +.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
550 +.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
551 +.\" <>
552 +.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
553 +.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
554 +.TH "RDISC" "8" "18 February 2009" "iputils-071127" "System Manager's Manual: iputils"
555 +.SH NAME
556 +rdisc \- network router discovery daemon
558 +
559 +\fBrdisc\fR [\fB-abdfstvV\fR] [\fB\fIsend_address\fB\fR] [\fB\fIreceive_address\fB\fR]
560 +
562 +.PP
563 +\fBrdisc\fR implements client side of the ICMP router discover protocol.
564 +\fBrdisc\fR is invoked at boot time to populate the network
565 +routing tables with default routes.
566 +.PP
567 +\fBrdisc\fR listens on the ALL_HOSTS ( multicast address
568 +(or \fIreceive_address\fR provided it is given)
569 +for ROUTER_ADVERTISE messages from routers. The received
570 +messages are handled by first ignoring those listed router addresses
571 +with which the host does not share a network. Among the remaining addresses
572 +the ones with the highest preference are selected as default routers
573 +and a default route is entered in the kernel routing table
574 +for each one of them.
575 +.PP
576 +Optionally, \fBrdisc\fR can avoid waiting for routers to announce
577 +themselves by sending out a few ROUTER_SOLICITATION messages
578 +to the ALL_ROUTERS ( multicast address
579 +(or \fIsend_address\fR provided it is given)
580 +when it is started.
581 +.PP
582 +A timer is associated with each router address and the address will
583 +no longer be considered for inclusion in the the routing tables if the
584 +timer expires before a new
585 +\fBadvertise\fR message is received from the router.
586 +The address will also be excluded from consideration if the host receives an
587 +\fBadvertise\fR
588 +message with the preference being maximally negative.
589 +.PP
590 +Server side of router discovery protocol is supported by Cisco IOS
591 +and by any more or less complete UNIX routing daemon, f.e \fBgated\fR.
592 +.SH "OPTIONS"
593 +.TP
594 +\fB-a\fR
595 +Accept all routers independently of the preference they have in their
596 +\fBadvertise\fR messages.
597 +Normally \fBrdisc\fR only accepts (and enters in the kernel routing
598 +tables) the router or routers with the highest preference.
599 +.TP
600 +\fB-b\fR
601 +Opposite to \fB-a\fR, i.e. install only router with the best
602 +preference value. It is default behaviour.
603 +.TP
604 +\fB-d\fR
605 +Send debugging messages to syslog.
606 +.TP
607 +\fB-f\fR
608 +Run \fBrdisc\fR forever even if no routers are found.
609 +Normally \fBrdisc\fR gives up if it has not received any
610 +\fBadvertise\fR message after after soliciting three times,
611 +in which case it exits with a non-zero exit code.
612 +If \fB-f\fR is not specified in the first form then
613 +\fB-s\fR must be specified.
614 +.TP
615 +\fB-s\fR
616 +Send three \fBsolicitation\fR messages initially to quickly discover
617 +the routers when the system is booted.
618 +When \fB-s\fR is specified \fBrdisc\fR
619 +exits with a non-zero exit code if it can not find any routers.
620 +This can be overridden with the \fB-f\fR option.
621 +.TP
622 +\fB-t\fR
623 +Test mode. Do not go to background.
624 +.TP
625 +\fB-v\fR
626 +Be verbose i.e. send lots of debugging messages to syslog.
627 +.TP
628 +\fB-V\fR
629 +Print version and exit.
630 +.SH "HISTORY"
631 +.PP
632 +This program was developed by Sun Microsystems (see copyright
633 +notice in source file). It was ported to Linux by
634 +Alexey Kuznetsov
635 +<>.
636 +It is now maintained by
637 +YOSHIFUJI Hideaki
638 +<>.
639 +.SH "SEE ALSO"
640 +.PP
641 +\fBicmp\fR(7),
642 +\fBinet\fR(7),
643 +\fBping\fR(8).
645 +.PP
646 +Deering, S.E.,ed "ICMP Router Discovery Messages",
647 +RFC1256, Network Information Center, SRI International,
648 +Menlo Park, Calif., September 1991.
650 +.PP
651 +\fBrdisc\fR requires CAP_NET_RAWIO to listen
652 +and send ICMP messages and capability CAP_NET_ADMIN
653 +to update routing tables.
655 +.PP
656 +\fBrdisc\fR is part of \fIiputils\fR package
657 +and the latest versions are available in source form at
658 +
659 diff -Naur doc/tracepath.8 doc/tracepath.8
660 --- doc/tracepath.8 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
661 +++ doc/tracepath.8 2009-02-18 23:21:37.765316105 -0800
662 @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
663 +.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
664 +.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
665 +.\" <>
666 +.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
667 +.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
668 +.TH "TRACEPATH" "8" "18 February 2009" "iputils-071127" "System Manager's Manual: iputils"
669 +.SH NAME
670 +tracepath, tracepath6 \- traces path to a network host discovering MTU along this path
672 +
673 +\fBtracepath\fR [\fB-n\fR] [\fB-l \fIpktlen\fB\fR] \fB\fIdestination\fB\fR [\fB\fIport\fB\fR]
674 +
676 +.PP
677 +It traces path to \fIdestination\fR discovering MTU along this path.
678 +It uses UDP port \fIport\fR or some random port.
679 +It is similar to \fBtraceroute\fR, only does not not require superuser
680 +privileges and has no fancy options.
681 +.PP
682 +\fBtracepath6\fR is good replacement for \fBtraceroute6\fR
683 +and classic example of application of Linux error queues.
684 +The situation with \fBtracepath\fR is worse, because commercial
685 +IP routers do not return enough information in icmp error messages.
686 +Probably, it will change, when they will be updated.
687 +For now it uses Van Jacobson's trick, sweeping a range
688 +of UDP ports to maintain trace history.
689 +.SH "OPTIONS"
690 +.TP
691 +\fB-n\fR
692 +Do not look up host names. Only print IP addresses numerically.
693 +.TP
694 +\fB-l\fR
695 +Sets the initial packet length to \fIpktlen\fR instead of
696 +65536 for \fBtracepath\fR or 128000 for \fBtracepath6\fR.
697 +.SH "OUTPUT"
698 +.PP
699 +
701 +root@mops:~ # tracepath6 3ffe:2400:0:109::2
702 + 1?: [LOCALHOST] pmtu 1500
703 + 1: 0.411ms
704 + 2: asymm 1 0.390ms pmtu 1480
705 + 2: 3ffe:2400:0:109::2 463.514ms reached
706 + Resume: pmtu 1480 hops 2 back 2
708 +.PP
709 +The first column shows TTL of the probe, followed by colon.
710 +Usually value of TTL is obtained from reply from network,
711 +but sometimes reply does not contain necessary information and
712 +we have to guess it. In this case the number is followed by ?.
713 +.PP
714 +The second column shows the network hop, which replied to the probe.
715 +It is either address of router or word [LOCALHOST], if
716 +the probe was not sent to the network.
717 +.PP
718 +The rest of line shows miscellaneous information about path to
719 +the correspinding hetwork hop. As rule it contains value of RTT.
720 +Additionally, it can show Path MTU, when it changes.
721 +If the path is asymmetric
722 +or the probe finishes before it reach prescribed hop, difference
723 +between number of hops in forward and backward direction is shown
724 +folloing keyword async. This information is not reliable.
725 +F.e. the third line shows asymmetry of 1, it is because the first probe
726 +with TTL of 2 was rejected at the first hop due to Path MTU Discovery.
727 +.PP
728 +The last line summarizes information about all the path to the destination,
729 +it shows detected Path MTU, amount of hops to the destination and our
730 +guess about amount of hops from the destination to us, which can be
731 +different when the path is asymmetric.
732 +.SH "SEE ALSO"
733 +.PP
734 +\fBtraceroute\fR(8),
735 +\fBtraceroute6\fR(8),
736 +\fBping\fR(8).
737 +.SH "AUTHOR"
738 +.PP
739 +\fBtracepath\fR was written by
740 +Alexey Kuznetsov
741 +<>.
743 +.PP
744 +No security issues.
745 +.PP
746 +This lapidary deserves to be elaborated.
747 +\fBtracepath\fR is not a privileged program, unlike
748 +\fBtraceroute\fR, \fBping\fR and other beasts of this kind.
749 +\fBtracepath\fR may be executed by everyone who has some access
750 +to network, enough to send UDP datagrams to investigated destination
751 +using given port.
753 +.PP
754 +\fBtracepath\fR is part of \fIiputils\fR package
755 +and the latest versions are available in source form at
756 +
757 diff -Naur doc/traceroute6.8 doc/traceroute6.8
758 --- doc/traceroute6.8 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
759 +++ doc/traceroute6.8 2009-02-18 23:20:33.249183964 -0800
760 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
761 +.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
762 +.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
763 +.\" <>
764 +.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
765 +.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
766 +.TH "TRACEROUTE6" "8" "18 February 2009" "iputils-071127" "System Manager's Manual: iputils"
767 +.SH NAME
768 +traceroute6 \- traces path to a network host
770 +
771 +\fBtraceroute6\fR [\fB-dnrvV\fR] [\fB-i \fIinterface\fB\fR] [\fB-m \fImax_ttl\fB\fR] [\fB-p \fIport\fB\fR] [\fB-q \fImax_probes\fB\fR] [\fB-s \fIsource\fB\fR] [\fB-w \fIwait time\fB\fR] \fB\fIdestination\fB\fR [\fB\fIsize\fB\fR]
772 +
774 +.PP
775 +Description can be found in
776 +\fBtraceroute\fR(8),
777 +all the references to IP replaced to IPv6. It is needless to copy
778 +the description from there.
779 +.SH "SEE ALSO"
780 +.PP
781 +\fBtraceroute\fR(8),
782 +\fBtracepath\fR(8),
783 +\fBping\fR(8).
784 +.SH "HISTORY"
785 +.PP
786 +This program has long history. Author of \fBtraceroute\fR
787 +is Van Jacobson and it first appeared in 1988. This clone is
788 +based on a port of \fBtraceroute\fR to IPv6 published
789 +in NRL IPv6 distribution in 1996. In turn, it was ported
790 +to Linux by Pedro Roque. After this it was kept in sync by
791 +Alexey Kuznetsov
792 +<>. And eventually entered
793 +\fBiputils\fR package.
795 +.PP
796 +\fBtracepath6\fR requires CAP_NET_RAWIO capability
797 +to be executed. It is safe to be used as set-uid root.
799 +.PP
800 +\fBtraceroute6\fR is part of \fIiputils\fR package
801 +and the latest versions are available in source form at
802 +