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pango: updated to 1.24.5 and fixed issues with autofolks stuff. Also updated the...
[attic/ports/opt-cross.git] / nano / Pkgfile
1 # Description: GNU pico clone (a tiny text editor)
2 # URL:
3 # Maintainer: Juergen Daubert, juergen dot daubert at t-online dot de
4 # Packager: Simone Rota, sip at crux dot nu
5 # Arch Maintainer: CRUX-ARM System Team, devel at crux-arm dot nu
7 name=nano
8 version=2.2.5
9 release=1
10 source=($name-$version.tar.gz)
12 build(){
13 cd $name-$version
14 ./configure --build=$CHOST \
15 --host=$CTARGET \
16 --prefix=/usr \
17 --disable-nls \
18 --mandir=/usr/man
19 find -type f -name 'Makefile' \
20 -exec sed -e "s|-I/usr|-I$CLFS/usr|g" -i {} \;
21 make
22 make DESTDIR=$PKG install
23 rm -r $PKG/usr/share
24 rm $PKG/usr/bin/rnano $PKG/usr/man/man1/rnano.1
25 }