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less: updated to 481 and updated mandir
[crossrootfs.git] / procps / .footprint
1 drwxr-xr-x root/root bin/
2 -rwxr-xr-x root/root bin/pidof
3 -rwxr-xr-x root/root bin/ps
4 drwxr-xr-x root/root etc/
5 -rw-r--r-- root/root etc/sysctl.conf
6 drwxr-xr-x root/root lib/
7 lrwxrwxrwx root/root lib/ ->
8 -rwxr-xr-x root/root lib/
9 drwxr-xr-x root/root sbin/
10 -rwxr-xr-x root/root sbin/sysctl
11 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/
12 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/
13 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/free
14 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/pgrep
15 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/pkill
16 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/pmap
17 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/pwdx
18 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/slabtop
19 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/tload
20 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/top
21 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/uptime
22 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/vmstat
23 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/w
24 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/watch
25 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/include/
26 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/include/proc/
27 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/alloc.h
28 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/devname.h
29 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/escape.h
30 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/procps.h
31 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/pwcache.h
32 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/readproc.h
33 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/sig.h
34 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/slab.h
35 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/sysinfo.h
36 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/version.h
37 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/wchan.h
38 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/proc/whattime.h
39 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/lib/
40 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/lib/libprocps.a
41 -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/lib/
42 lrwxrwxrwx root/root usr/lib/ -> ../../lib/
43 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/lib/pkgconfig/
44 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/lib/pkgconfig/libprocps.pc
45 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/man/
46 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/man/man1/
47 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/free.1.gz
48 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/pgrep.1.gz
49 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/pidof.1.gz
50 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/pkill.1.gz
51 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/pmap.1.gz
52 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/ps.1.gz
53 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/pwdx.1.gz
54 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/slabtop.1.gz
55 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/tload.1.gz
56 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/top.1.gz
57 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/uptime.1.gz
58 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/w.1.gz
59 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man1/watch.1.gz
60 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/man/man5/
61 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man5/sysctl.conf.5.gz
62 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/man/man8/
63 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man8/sysctl.8.gz
64 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/man/man8/vmstat.8.gz
65 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/share/
66 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/share/doc/
67 drwxr-xr-x root/root usr/share/doc/procps-ng/
68 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/share/doc/procps-ng/BUGS
69 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/share/doc/procps-ng/FAQ
70 -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/share/doc/procps-ng/