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[crossrootfs.git] / tar / tar.1
1 .\" @(#)tar.1 1.11.1 93/19/22 PJV;
2 .TH TAR 1 "15 May 2006"
4 tar \- The GNU version of the tar archiving utility
6 .B tar
7 [
8 .B \-
9 ]
10 .B A \-\-catenate \-\-concatenate \||\| c \-\-create \||\| d \-\-diff \-\-compare \||\| \-\-delete \||\| r \-\-append \||\| t \-\-list \||\| u \-\-update \||\| x \-\-extract \-\-get
11 .I [ options ]
12 .I pathname [ pathname ... ]
14 .LP
15 This manual page documents the GNU version of
16 .B tar
17 , an archiving program designed to store and extract files from
18 an archive file known as a
19 .IR tarfile.
20 A
21 .IR tarfile
22 may be made on a tape drive, however, it is also common
23 to write a
24 .IR tarfile
25 to a normal file.
26 The first argument to
27 .B tar
28 must be one of the options:
29 .BR Acdrtux ,
30 followed by any optional functions.
31 The final arguments to
32 .B tar
33 are the names of the files or directories which should be archived. The use
34 of a directory name always implies that the subdirectories below should be
35 included in the archive.
37 .TP
38 .B tar \-xvvf foo.tar
39 extract foo.tar
40 .TP
41 .B tar \-xvvzf foo.tar.gz
42 extract gzipped foo.tar.gz
43 .TP
44 .B tar \-cvvf foo.tar foo/
45 tar contents of folder foo in foo.tar
47 .TP
48 .B One of the following options must be used:
49 .TP
50 .B \-A, \-\-catenate, \-\-concatenate
51 append tar files to an archive
52 .TP
53 .B \-c, \-\-create
54 create a new archive
55 .TP
56 .B \-d, \-\-diff, \-\-compare
57 find differences between archive and file system
58 .TP
59 .B \-\-delete
60 delete from the archive (not for use on mag tapes!)
61 .TP
62 .B \-r, \-\-append
63 append files to the end of an archive
64 .TP
65 .B \-t, \-\-list
66 list the contents of an archive
67 .TP
68 .B \-u, \-\-update
69 only append files that are newer than copy in archive
70 .TP
71 .B \-x, \-\-extract, \-\-get
72 extract files from an archive
74 .TP
75 .B \-\-allow\-name\-mangling
76 re-enable handling of GNUTYPE_NAMES which is now disabled by default
77 .TP
78 .B \-\-anchored
79 force exclusion patterns to match initial subsequences
80 .TP
81 .B \-\-atime\-preserve
82 don't change access times on dumped files
83 .TP
84 .B \-b, \-\-blocking\-factor N
85 use record size of Nx512 bytes (default N=20)
86 .TP
87 .B \-B, \-\-read\-full\-records
88 reblock as we read (for reading 4.2BSD pipes)
89 .TP
90 .B \-\-backup[\=TYPE]
91 back up files instead of overwriting (TYPE=numbered, existing, simple)
92 .TP
93 .B \-C, \-\-directory DIR
94 change to directory DIR
95 .TP
96 .B \-\-checkpoint
97 print periodic checkpoints
98 .TP
99 .B \-\-exclude=PATTERN
100 exclude files matching PATTERN
101 .TP
102 .B \-f, \-\-file [HOSTNAME:]F
103 use archive file or device F (default "\-", meaning stdin/stdout)
104 .TP
105 .B \-F, \-\-info\-script F, \-\-new\-volume\-script F
106 run script at end of each tape (implies \-M)
107 .TP
108 .B \-\-force\-local
109 archive file is local even if it has a colon
110 .TP
111 .B \-G, \-\-incremental
112 create/list/extract old GNU-format incremental backup
113 .TP
114 .B \-g, \-\-listed\-incremental F
115 create/list/extract new GNU-format incremental backup
116 .TP
117 .B \-\-group G
118 set group to G while adding files
119 .TP
120 .B \-h, \-\-dereference
121 don't dump symlinks; dump the files they point to
122 .TP
123 .B \-\-help
124 print help message
125 .TP
126 .B \-i, \-\-ignore\-zeros
127 ignore blocks of zeros in archive (normally mean EOF)
128 .TP
129 .B \-\-ignore\-case
130 ignore case when excluding files
131 .TP
132 .B \-\-ignore\-failed\-read
133 don't exit with non-zero status on unreadable files
134 .TP
135 .B \-j, \-\-bzip2
136 filter archive through bzip2, use to decompress .bz2 files.
137 WARNING: some previous versions of tar used option \-I to
138 filter through bzip2. When writing scripts, use \-\-bzip2
139 instead of \-j so that both older and newer tar versions
140 will work.
141 .TP
142 .B \-k, \-\-keep\-old\-files
143 keep existing files; don't overwrite them from archive
144 .TP
145 .B \-K, \-\-starting\-file F
146 begin at file F in the archive
147 .TP
148 .B \-l, \-\-check\-links
149 print a message if not all links are dumped
150 .TP
151 .B \-L, \-\-tape\-length N
152 change tapes after writing N*1024 bytes
153 .TP
154 .B \-m, \-\-touch
155 don't extract file modified time
156 .TP
157 .B \-M, \-\-multi\-volume
158 create/list/extract multi-volume archive
159 .TP
160 .B \-\-mode M
161 set permissions to M while adding files
162 .TP
163 .B \-N, \-\-after\-date DATE, \-\-newer DATE
164 only store files newer than DATE
165 .TP
166 .B \-\-newer\-mtime DATE
167 only store files whose contents have changed after DATE
168 .TP
169 .B \-\-no\-anchored
170 allow exclusion patterns to match any substring (the default)
171 .TP
172 .B \-\-no\-ignore\-case
173 match patterns case sensitively (the default)
174 .TP
175 .B \-\-no\-recursion
176 do not recurse into subdirectories
177 .TP
178 .B \-o, \-\-no\-same\-owner
179 extract files with owner set to current user (the default for non-root
180 users)
181 .TP
182 .B \-\-no\-same\-permissions
183 apply umask to extracted files (the default for non-root users)
184 .TP
185 .B \-\-no\-wildcards
186 do not use wildcards when excluding files
187 .TP
188 .B \-\-no\-wildcards\-match\-slash
189 don't let wildcards match "/" when excluding files
190 .TP
191 .B \-\-null
192 for \-T, use "NUL" instead of newline as filename terminator
193 .TP
194 .B \-\-numeric\-owner
195 always use numbers for user/group names
196 .TP
197 .B \-\-old\-archive, \-\-portability
198 write a V7 format archive, rather than ANSI format. These options are
199 deprecated, please use
200 .B \-\-format\=v7
201 instead.
202 .TP
203 .B \-\-one\-file\-system
204 stay in local file system when creating an archive
205 .TP
206 .B \-\-owner O
207 set owner to O while adding files
208 .TP
209 .B \-O, \-\-to\-stdout
210 extract files to standard output
211 .TP
212 .B \-p, \-\-same\-permissions, \-\-preserve\-permissions
213 ignore umask when extracting files (the default for root)
214 .TP
215 .B \-P, \-\-absolute\-names
216 don't strip leading `/'s from file names
217 .TP
218 .B \-\-posix
219 create POSIX compliant archive. This option is deprecated,
220 please use
221 .B \-\-format\=posix
222 instead.
223 .TP
224 .B \-\-preserve
225 like \-p \-s
226 .TP
227 .B \-R, \-\-block\-number
228 show block number within archive with each message
229 .TP
230 .B \-\-record\-size SIZE
231 use SIZE bytes per record
232 .TP
233 .B \-\-recursion
234 recurse into directories (the default)
235 .TP
236 .B \-\-recursive\-unlink
237 remove existing directories before extracting directories of the same
238 name
239 .TP
240 .B \-\-remove\-files
241 remove files after adding them to the archive
242 .TP
243 .B \-\-rsh\-command=CMD
244 Use remote COMMAND instead of `rsh'. This option exists so that
245 people who use something other than the standard `rsh' (e.g., a
246 Kerberized `rsh') can access a remote device.
247 .TP
248 .B \-S, \-\-sparse
249 handle sparse files efficiently
250 .TP
251 .B \-s, \-\-same\-order, \-\-preserve\-order
252 list of names to extract is sorted to match archive
253 .TP
254 .B \-\-same\-owner
255 extract files with owner as specified in archive (the default for
256 root)
257 .TP
258 .B \-\-show\-omitted\-dirs
259 mention directories that are being skipped over
260 .TP
261 .B \-\-suffix SUFFIX
262 append SUFFIX to make backup files (default ~)
263 .TP
264 .B \-T, \-\-files\-from F
265 get names to extract or archive from file F
266 .TP
267 .B \-\-totals
268 display total bytes written after creating an archive
269 .TP
270 .B \-U, \-\-unlink\-first
271 unlink & recreate files instead of overwriting
272 .TP
273 .B \-\-use\-compress\-program PROG
274 filter the archive through PROG (which must accept \-d)
275 .TP
276 .B \-v, \-\-verbose
277 verbosely list files processed
278 .TP
279 .B \-V, \-\-label NAME
280 create archive with volume name NAME
281 .TP
282 .B \-\-version
283 print tar program version number
284 .TP
285 .B \-\-volno\-file F
286 keep track of current volume (of a multi-volume archive) in F
287 .TP
288 .B \-w, \-\-interactive, \-\-confirmation
289 ask for confirmation for every action
290 .TP
291 .B \-W, \-\-verify
292 attempt to verify the archive after writing it
293 .TP
294 .B \-\-wildcards
295 use wildcards when excluding files (the default)
296 .TP
297 .B \-\-wildcards\-match\-slash
298 allow wildcards to match "/" (the default)
299 .TP
300 .B \-X, \-\-exclude\-from=FILE
301 exclude files matching patterns listed in FILE
302 .TP
303 .B \-Z, \-\-compress, \-\-uncompress
304 filter the archive through compress
305 .TP
306 .B \-z, \-\-gzip, \-\-gunzip, \-\-ungzip
307 filter the archive through gzip
308 .TP
309 .B \-[0\-7][lmh]
310 specify drive and density
311 .SH BUGS
312 .LP
313 The GNU folks, in general, abhor man pages, and create info documents instead.
314 Unfortunately, the info document describing tar is licensed under the GFDL with
315 invariant cover texts, which violates the Debian Free Software Guidelines. As
316 a result, the info documentation for tar is not included in the Debian package.
318 If you want to read the complete documentation for GNU tar, please refer to
319 the online version at <>.
321 This man page was created for the Debian distribution. It does not describe
322 all of the functionality of tar, and it is often out of date. Patches to
323 improve the coverage and/or accuracy of this man page are appreciated, and
324 should be filed as wishlist severity bugs against the Debian tar package,
325 not submitted to the GNU tar maintainers.