Crux-arm RaspberryPi2 Linux Kernel
+NOTE: This README is wip. Some instructions are either vague or missing.
upstream sources:
+Type make or make all to build kernel image, the device tree files/overlays,
+modules and related files. You may also find some of the other targets useful;
+either for rebuilding only a certain target or possibly downloading files for
+later offline build. These currently include:
+all: build all targets
+clean: clean out built files/directories
+distclean: clean, plus remove even downloaded files also
+files: download all remote files
+config: unpatch the kernel and copy the default config into the kernel tree
+image: build zImage and rpi2 prep'd kernel image files
+dtb: build device tree database/overlay files, tarball
+modules: build kernel modules, tarball
+menuconfig: run menuconfig for kernel, starting with default kernel config
+For booting the kernel, you will also need to download these addition files:
+Sd card layout:
+first partition, boot (fat32):
+kernel-$version.img,$version, bootcode.bin, start.elf, config.txt, cmdline.txt
+Untar the dtb tarball (dtb-$version.tar.*) to the boot partition.
+second partition, root (ext{2,3,4}, xfs, btrfs, etc):
+Untar the modules tarball (modules-$version.tar.*) to the root partition.
+Untar all the package files created by crossrootfs and raspberrypi2-arm to
+the root partition.
Generating the kernel patch: