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2015-11-16 Victor Martinezwgt: updated to 1.16.3 and updated mandir
2015-11-16 Victor Martinezvim: updated to 7.4.890 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martineztime: updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martineztar: updated to 1.28 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezstart-stop-daemon: added new port
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezsysvinit: updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezsysklogd: updated to 1.5.1 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezsed: updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezrsync: added new port
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezprocps: updated to 3.3.11 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezpsmisc: updated to 22.21 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezpatch: updated to 2.7.5 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezopenssh: updated to 7.1p1 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezman-db: updated to 2.7.5 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezmake: updated to 4.1 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezm4: updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezlibtool: updated to 2.4.6 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezlibpipeline: updated to 1.4.1 and updated mandir
2015-11-13 Victor Martinezlibcap: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezless: updated to 481 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezkmod: updated to 21 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martineziputils: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezsysfsutils: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezinetutils: updated to 1.9.4 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezhttpup: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezgzip: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezgroff: updated to 1.22.3 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezgrep: updated to 2.22 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezgettext: locked version and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezed: updated to 1.12 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezgdbm: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezflex: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezfindutils: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezfile: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezlibpcre: updated to 8.37
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezdiffutils: updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezcurl: updated to 7.45.0 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezcpio: updated to 2.12 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezcoreutils: updated to 8.24 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezca-certificates: added new port
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezlibcap: synced upstream release
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezbzip2: synced upstream release
2015-11-12 Victor Martineze2fsprogs: updated to 1.42.13 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezbison: updated to 3.0.4 and updated mandir
2015-11-12 Victor Martinezbindutils: updated to 9.9.7-P1 and updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezbc: updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezautomake: updated to 1.15 and updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezgawk: updated to 4.1.3 and updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezreadline: updated to 6.3.8 and updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezautoconf: updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezutil-linux: updated to 2.27.1
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezprt-get: updated to 5.36 and updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezports: added port
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezpkgutils: updated to 5.36
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezlibarchive: updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezacl: updated mandir
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezattr: fixed mandir and source url
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezxz: updated to 5.2.2
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezopenssl: updated to 1.0.2d
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezkbd: updated to 2.0.3
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezfilesystem: updated to 3.2
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezbinutils: updated to 2.25.1
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezbash: updated to 4.3.42Â
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezncurses: updated to 6.0
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezpkg-config: updated to 0.29
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezgcc: updated to 5.2.0
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezzlib: updated man dirs
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezglibc: 2.22
2015-11-11 Victor Martinezlibmpfr: updated to 3.1.3-p5
2014-10-15 Victor Martinezrc: removed lo/net support from rc.conf 3.1
2014-10-15 Victor Martinezinetutils: removed hostname
2014-10-15 Victor Martineznet-tools: added port to manage net interfaces under...
2014-10-14 Victor Martinezfilesystem: updated .md5sum
2014-10-14 Victor Martinezfilesystem: updated group file
2014-10-14 Victor Martinezprocps: fixed pidof and lib install
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezshadow: updated source
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezutil-linux: fixed build without nologin managed by...
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezwhich: updated source
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezwget: updated to 1.15
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezvim: updated to 7.4.316
2014-10-01 Victor Martineztzcode: updated to 2014e
2014-10-01 Victor Martineztar: updated to 1.27.1
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezsysvinit: updated to 2.88-3
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezrc: updated to 2.29
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezpsmisc: updated to 22.21
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezprocps: updated to 3.3.9
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezpkgutils: updated to 5.35.6
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezpciutils: updated to 3.2.1
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezm4: Pkgfile clean
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezopenssh: updated to 6.6p1
2014-10-01 Victor Martineznet-tools: removed port
2014-10-01 Victor MartinezNew port man-db 2.6.7
2014-10-01 Victor MartinezNew port libpipeline 1.3.0
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezmake: updated to 4.0
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezm4: updated to 1.4.17
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezeudev: fixed dependencies
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezlibusb: updated to 1.0.19
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezudev: removed port
2014-10-01 Victor MartinezNew port eudev 1.8
2014-10-01 Victor Martinezlibarchive: updated to 3.1.2