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2012-10-19 Victor Martinezpciutils: updated to 3.1.10 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-19 Victor Martinezm4: fixed issues with glibc 'gets' removal (aligned...
2012-10-19 Victor Martinezlibusb: aligned with upstream
2012-10-19 Victor Martinezsysfsutils: aligned with upstream
2012-10-19 Victor Martinezgettext: fixed issues with glibc 'gets' removal (aligne...
2012-10-19 Jose V Beneytoautomake: updated to 1.12.4 and removed perl dependency...
2012-10-19 Jose V Beneytoiproute2: deleted port
2012-10-19 Victor Martinezpsmisc: updated to 22.20
2012-10-19 Jose V Beneytoports: remove all .rsync files (ports in core-cross...
2012-10-19 Jose V Beneytotar: bumped release 2 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-19 Victor Martinezprocps: updated to 3.3.3 and aligned with upstream...
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytoshadow: updated to
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytovim: updated to 7.3.154 and aligned with upstream....
2012-10-18 Victor Martinezpkg-config: updated to 0.27.1 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Victor Martinezpatch: updated to 2.7.1 and aligned to upstream
2012-10-18 Victor Martinezopenssh: updated to 6.1p1
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytowget: updated to 1.14
2012-10-18 Victor Martinezless: updated to 451
2012-10-18 Victor Martinezkbd: updated to 1.15.3 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytoinetutils: updated to 1.9.1 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytogzip: updated to 1.5 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Victor Martinezhttpup: updated to 0.4.0l
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytofilesystem: added missing changes to fstab
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytogrep: updated to 2.14
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytolibpcre: updated to 8.31 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytoflex: updated to 2.5.37 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytofilesystem: updated to 2.8 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytofile: updated to 5.11
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytoed: updated to 1.6
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytoe2fsprogs: updated to 1.42.5 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytoutil-linux: updated to 2.22.1 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytodiffutils: updated to 3.2 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytocurl: updated to 7.28.0 and aligned with upstream
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytocpio: fixed issues with glibc 'gets' removal (aligned...
2012-10-18 Jose V Beneytoopenssl: fixed use of CFLAGS
2012-10-17 Jose V BeneytoRenamed util-linux-ng to util-linux
2012-10-17 Jose V BeneytoRemoved module-init-tools and replaced by kmod
2012-10-17 Jose V BeneytoDeleted some ports which are not required for a first...
2012-10-16 Victor Martinezcoreutils: updated to 8.19
2012-10-16 Victor Martinezbison: updated to 4.6.2
2012-10-16 Victor Martinezbindutils: updated to 9.9.1
2012-10-16 Victor Martinezopenssl: updated to 1.0.1c
2012-10-16 Victor Martinezbash: updated to 4.2.37
2012-10-16 Victor Martinezreadline: updated to 6.2.4
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytogdbm: updated to 1.10
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytodb: updated to 5.3.21
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytogawk: updated to 4.0.1
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytoautoconf: updated to 2.69
2012-10-15 Victor Martineztzdata: initial import
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytopkgutils: updated to 5.32.2 and fixed flags for alignme...
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytolibarchive: updated to 3.0.4
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytozlib: aligned with upstream and removed old patch
2012-10-15 Jose V Beneytoxz: updated to 5.0.4
2012-10-10 Victor Martinezgcc: updated to 4.7.2
2012-10-10 Victor Martinezglibc: aligned kernel headers to upstream version 3...
2012-10-10 Jose V Beneytoglibc: updated to 2.16.0
2012-10-09 Victor Martinezzlib: update to 1.2.7
2012-10-08 Victor Martinezglibc: updated to 2.16.0
2012-10-08 Victor Martinezbinutils: updated to 2.22. Removed host's texinfo depen...
2012-10-08 Victor Martinezlibmpc: updated to 1.0.1
2012-10-08 Victor Martinezlibmpfr: updated to 3.1.1
2012-10-08 Victor Martinezlibgmp: update to 5.0.5
2012-05-08 Jose V Beneytowireless-tools: removed port (FS#26)
2012-05-08 Jose V Beneytopkg-get: removed port (FS#26)
2011-07-27 Victor Martinezprt-get: fixed prt-get.conf for overlays and README...
2011-07-27 Victor Martinezports: added rsync files for overlay collections
2011-07-27 Victor Martinezpkgutils: better compiler flags stuff
2011-06-14 Jose V Beneytomsmtp: removed from core and moved to opt collection...
2011-06-14 Jose V Beneytolibmpfr: cleaned up (removed patch usage which is not...
2011-06-14 Jose V Beneytoexim: initial import (verified compilation)
2011-06-14 Victor Martinezhttpup: Initial import (verified compilation).
2011-05-06 Victor Martinezopenssh: new source tarball (fixed version number)
2011-05-05 Victor Martinezbash: update to 4.2.10
2011-05-04 Victor Martinezutil-linux-ng: update to 2.19.1
2011-05-04 Victor Martinezdcron: update to 4.5
2011-05-04 Victor Martinezopenssh: update to 5.8p2
2011-04-27 Victor Martinezcoreutils: update to 8.12
2011-04-23 Victor Martinezcurl: update to 7.21.6
2011-04-23 Victor Martinezacl: update to 2.2.51
2011-04-23 Victor Martinezattr: update to 2.4.46
2011-04-19 Victor Martinezbash: fixed the call to a not used patch
2011-04-18 Victor Martinezless: added forgotten dependencie libpcre
2011-04-18 Victor Martinezsudo: update to 1.8.1p1
2011-04-18 Victor Martinezcurl: update to 7.21.5
2011-04-18 Victor Martinezattr: update to 2.4.45
2011-04-18 Victor Martinezacl: update to 2.2.50
2011-04-18 Victor Martinezfile: update to 5.06
2011-04-14 Jose V Beneytogcc: fixed dependencies
2011-04-14 Victor Martinezless: update to 443
2011-04-14 Victor Martinezcoreutils: update to 8.11
2011-04-11 Victor Martinezsudo: update to 1.8.1
2011-04-07 Victor Martinezudev: added forgotten patch.
2011-04-07 Victor Martinezreadline: added forgotten patch.
2011-04-07 Victor Martinezdhcpcd: update to 5.2.12
2011-04-07 Victor Martinezbash: added forgotten patch
2011-04-07 Victor Martinezncurses: update to 5.9
2011-04-06 Victor Martinezlibmpfr: update to 3.0.1
2011-04-06 Victor Martinezrsync: changed dropbear dependencie by openssh.
2011-04-05 Victor Martinezopenssh: removed forced cflags.
2011-04-05 Victor Martinezopenssh: initial import (verified compilation).