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2009-12-18 Victor Martinezxorg-renderproto: Fixed header.
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxxf86dga: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xf86dgaproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxfixes: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxxf86vm: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xf86vidmodeproto: iitial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxcb: updated to 1.5
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xcb-proto: updated to 1.6
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-bdftopcf: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxfont: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxfont: initial import (added patch to fix cross...
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xtrans: updated to 1.2.5
2009-12-17 Victor Martinezxorg-fontsproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libfontenc: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxkbfile: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxres: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxi: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxft: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxrender: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libx11: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxcb: fixed LIBS and CFLAGS
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxxf86misc: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xf86miscproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxft: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxrender: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxtst: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxi: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-recordproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxres: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxext: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-font-util: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-videoproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-damageproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-fixesproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxkbfile: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-randrproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xcmiscproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-17 Jose V Beneytoxorg-scrnsaverproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-resourceproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-bigreqsproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-renderproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-fontsproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libpixman: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoremoved dri based ports (xorg-server will be compiled...
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libpciaccess: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-dri2proto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xf86driproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-glproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libx11: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxcb: added phtread-stubs flag
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxcb: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxdmcp: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-libxau: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytolibpthread-stubs: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-kbproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xcb-proto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xtrans: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xextproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V Beneytoxorg-xproto: initial import (verified compilation)
2009-12-16 Jose V BeneytoInitial commit. Added README file. master